the greatest possible variability in the delivery?

What do you make of the following sentence? Do you understand it?

“XXX offers the greatest possible variability in the delivery of advertising formats for programmatically purchased campaigns.”

I’ve never seen the phrase ‘greatest possible variability’ and here it’s even followed by ‘in the delivery of advertising formats for programmatically purchased campaigns’. What language is this?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Reporting on a fire[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,

What, I wonder, would Joseph Priestley say to that?

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I would call it advertising jargon, just like medical\legal etc jargons. They use special words\expressions that are difficult for others to understand. I’ve come across ‘greatest possible variability’, though I’d go for ‘diversity’ in the original.
The message for me you can purchase programmatically, (=by using a computer program) advertising formats designed to meet the requirements of any campaign.
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Hi Alan, how bad a person am I when I admit that I don’t know who Joseph Priestley is or rather was?

Hi Torsten,

I would hesitate to call a knowledgeable chap like you ‘bad’! He was an 18th century all rounder and covered many subjects such as theology, philosophy, and grammar and published some 150 works. From a language aspect he is probably best known for - The rudiments of English Grammar (1761). I have to admit this has never been on my bedside table.


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So I think Joseph Priestley would thrilled to learn that today there is a German company whose goal is to provide its customers the ‘greatest possible variability in the delivery’. Maybe Joseph would think that this phrase relates to a philosopical concept?