“The File hasn’t been changed”- When we say this, does this clearly tell our client that, WE haven’t changed it!
“The File has been uploaded”- When we say this, can the other person understand that , WE (some of our co-workers) have uploaded the File.
Would it be clear that ONE OF OUR EMPLOYEES has changed/hasn’t changed the file.
Is this the correct SENTENCE to tell others that WE HAVE DONE it (here we are not mentioning that WE have done it).
If my Boss had asked me, “what did you do today”
and if my reply had been “File KKK has been uploaded”, is the meaning “FILE KKK HAS BEEN UPLOADED.”
Here, “FILE KKK HAS BEEN UPLOADED” = I have uploaded File KKK
Here, I haven’t told that I have uploaded the file. So, can my boss understand that this has done by ME.
Is “FILE KKK HAS BEEN UPLOADED” = I have uploaded File KKK?
My question is, when I tell to my boss/client this sentence “FILE KKK HAS BEEN UPLOADED”, can he/she understand that I (Myself) have uploaded the file?
I am not mentioning that “FILE KKK HAS BEEN UPLOADED BY ----ME”
This what I want to know.
As Mister Micawber has already mentioned, a passive sentence such as “FILE KKK HAS BEEN UPLOADED” does not mention who uploaded the file. However, people may possibly be able to draw a conclusion about who uploaded the file from the broader context.
For example, if the context is that you are the only person who could have possibly uploaded the file, then your boss/client will assume that it was you who uploaded File KKK.
If the context is that you have been telling the boss/client that you personally uploaded a lot of files, and in the middle of that discussion you say “FILE KKK HAS BEEN UPLOADED”, the boss/client may also assume that it was you who uploaded File KKK.
However, the sentence itself does not say who uploaded the file.
To chime in, in a passive sentence, the person or item that is acted upon is the subject of the sentence. Passive sentences often do not identify who is performing the action. This makes your writing unclear.
To identify who is responsible for what action – in this case, you clearly want to identify yourself-- active voice is the best way (e.g. I uploaded the KKK file).
Thank you all - Mister Micawber, Yankee and diverhank for your time.
Yankee, you really elaborated with great detail, which gave me clear picture.
Diverhank, you made it clear to me and thanks for it.