The appropriate procedure in evaluating returns adjusted for risk is to subtract from a fund's return the risk-..... return (here taken as the return on United States government money market funds), and to divide the surplus return by the fund's beta, the measure of risk.

The appropriate procedure in evaluating returns adjusted for risk is to subtract from a fund's return the risk-..... return (here taken as the return on United States government money market funds), and to divide the surplus return by the fund's beta, the measure of risk. (*) base (*) free (*) rule (*) run

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,the-appropriate-procedure-in-evaluating-returns-adjusted-for-risk-is-to-subtract-from-a-funds-return-the-risk-___-return-here-taken-as-the-return-on-united-states-government-money-market-funds-and-to-divide-the-surplus-return-by-the-funds-beta-the-measure-of-risk/