That's it. Finally

A: Watch the birdie.

B: What birdie? Is there a bird in here? Oh, I see that bird.

A: No, not that bird. I mean here, look here into the camera.

B: You’ve got a bird inside the camera? I don’t see anything.

A: No. There isn’t really a bird inside the camera. Watch the birdie means look into the lens of the camera.

B: Oh, alright, I’m looking into the lens of the camera. Now, what?

A: Smile. Oh, come on. Don’t be shy. Give us a smile Chips. Just say cheese.

B: I’m not shy and I’m not embarrassed at all. Cheese.

A: No, no, not like that, a happy smile. Oh, what can I do to make him laugh?
Oh, I know, I’ll make a funny face. Eh. Ha, ha, ha. That’s it. Finally. Ha, ha, ha.

B: Oh, thanks goodness. Is it all over now? Can I get up?

A: Sure.

B: Mm. Why did you want a photo of me anyway?

That’s it. Finally.

1- What does “That’s it” mean in this sentence?

Does it mean " It’s finished" or does it mean “It’s correct”?

2- What does “That’s it. Finally” mean?

Does it mean " It’s finally finished"?

Thank you


That’s it.
This is what she wanted him to do. She wanted him to smile. The pronoun “it” refers to smiling.

Finally is used in a lot of contexts to mean it took a long time. It shows some impatience. So the wait is finally over.

That’s it is used in different closely related contexts.

For example it can be used as encouragement. Let’s say an art teacher is teaching a student to draw. The teacher might say “That’s it. Good.” to encourage the student and let them know they did it right and are making progress.

It can be used when a person discovers something, or realizes something. Archimedes famously said “Eureka” when he excitedly discovered the principle of buoyancy. He could have said “That’s it! I have discovered a new principle!. Now I understand it.”.

It can be used to identify one among many. If you are looking through a bunch of photos trying to find a certain one, when you find it you might say “That’s it. That’s the picture I was looking for”.

It can be used to say that something is completed. If you have been working on something for hours, and it is finished, you might say “That’s it. We are done.


Thank you so much, NearlyNapping :rose:

Very nice explanation.

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