A: Watch the birdie.
B: What birdie? Is there a bird in here? Oh, I see that bird.
A: No, not that bird. I mean here, look here into the camera.
B: You’ve got a bird inside the camera? I don’t see anything.
A: No. There isn’t really a bird inside the camera. Watch the birdie means look into the lens of the camera.
B: Oh, alright, I’m looking into the lens of the camera. Now, what?
A: Smile. Oh, come on. Don’t be shy. Give us a smile Chips. Just say cheese.
B: I’m not shy and I’m not embarrassed at all. Cheese.
A: No, no, not like that, a happy smile. Oh, what can I do to make him laugh?
Oh, I know, I’ll make a funny face. Eh. Ha, ha, ha. That’s it. Finally. Ha, ha, ha.
B: Oh, thanks goodness. Is it all over now? Can I get up?
A: Sure.
B: Mm. Why did you want a photo of me anyway?
That’s it. Finally.
1- What does “That’s it” mean in this sentence?
Does it mean " It’s finished" or does it mean “It’s correct”?
2- What does “That’s it. Finally” mean?
Does it mean " It’s finally finished"?
Thank you