tense help

[color=blue]I want to know the tense of this sentence :

( When we arrived at the office,we found that someone had broken in.)

thank you all :slight_smile:

[color=indigo]can you help me please to find some similar tests to this one?!

When we arrived at the office we found that someone _______ during
the night.
a) had broken in
b) has broken in
c) broke in
d) have broken in

‘arrived’ - past tense of ‘arrive’
‘found’ - past tense of ‘find’
‘had broken’ - past tense of ‘is breaking’ Because this incident happened earlier than the point in time mentioned it requires the past perfect tense, rather than the simple past tense (was breaking) used in the other two verbs.

It is not a good idea to use brackets (parentheses) to indicate the quote. It is better to use quotation marks:
‘When we arrived at the office,we found that someone had broken in.’
“When we arrived at the office,we found that someone had broken in.”

Look for tests about the past perfect tense or past continuous tenses.

Thanks ,I always get confused when it comes to tenses ,I don’t know why :(!!
I’m having a grammar test next week and I can’t concentrate well these days,pardon my mistake :\
I will do my best to pass the exam ,insha’Allah.