Take and get: when they come before full verb such as take look or get married...

Dear Torsten,
could you explain me about get and take and also when they come before full verb such as take look or get married etc,…?
what do they make difference when they come before a full verb?


I believe “get” and “make” hardly ever come before full verbs.
Be aware that many words in English can work as different language entities, with no change in their writing.
In “take a look”, “look” works as a noun (/a thing), not as a verb. It works as a verb in “Wow, look at that!”
In “get married”, “married” is an adjective (/a quality), not a verb (marry in the Past). It works as a verb in “John married Louise three years ago”.

The definitions of “take” and “get” on TheFreeDictionary.com can give you more examples of use for both (before nouns, adjectives and especially prepositions) than I’ll ever be able to post, but you will hardly see them used with other full verbs.

To be fair, I remember “get going” (start off, put in motion, “[color=darkred]Get going with this!”), and one can mention “get to verb” (achieve success in verbing, “[color=darkred]On English-Test.net you get to learn good English and may get to make friends”) and “take to verb” (develop a habit in verbing, “[color=darkred]He took to drink”) if we’re not pedantic to consider “to” as a preposition. In the vast range of possibilities for “get” and “take”, these cases are minorities.

Gotten and taken cheers!