Take a rain check?


How often do you hear or use the phrase ‘take a rain check’ when you can’t accept an invitation from somebody because you have something else to do?

Many thanks,

TOEIC listening, photographs: Administrative cubicles[YSaerTTEW443543]

I don’t personally use it much, but I do hear it fairly frequently. I hear it much more than I use it.

My American intuition is telling me that teenagers are less likely than their parents or grandparents to use it, and usage of the expression could be losing some steam. I also think quite a bit of the usage may be third person (e.g. telling someone about turning down someone else’s invitation). I’d say I use it only occasionally.

Interesting results?

Time mag:

take a rain check. 1940s - 1
take a rain check. 1990s -1
took a rain check. 1970s - 1


take a rain check. 1990 to 94. 5
take a rain check. 1995 to 99. 5
take a rain check. 2000 to 04. 3
take a rain check. 2005 to 08. 1

hi guys

Maybe it is my age, but I use this often when I am suddenly not up to (health or energy wise) going out.

Do the sons become their fathers? ; )

cheers stew.t.

Some become their mothers.

bangingbags.com/wp-content/u … -queen.jpg

MrP on a good day. :lol: