tackle vs. fumble

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #195 [color=blue]“Real life sports vocabulary”, question 7

American football players try to the player with the ball.

(a) touch
(b) tackle
(c) injure
(d) fumble

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #195 [color=blue]“Real life sports vocabulary”, answer 7

American football players try to tackle the player with the ball.

Correct answer: (b) tackle

Dear Teacher,
Can you give me a hand with your explanation on the words as the following:


[color=red]tackle / tæk ə l / verb

2 [ intransitive and transitive ]
a) to try to take the ball away from an opponent in a game such as football or hockey
b) to force someone to the ground so that they stop running, in a game such as American football or rugby

[color=red]fumble / fʌmb ə l / verb

3 [ intransitive and transitive ] to drop a ball after catching it :
Quarterback Rattay was hit and fumbled the ball.

You see. You can’t fumble a player unless he/she is a ball!!:wink: you tackle a player (your opponent)