sweets vs. candy

What is the difference between sweets and candy? As far as I understand, ‘sweets’ is a more general term describing any sweet snack including chocolate while candy is more specific. Is that right?


TOEIC listening, photographs: Girls around a laptop[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,

‘Candy’ is not used where I live except in connection with floss. Candy floss is that sweet sticky stuff that looks like white/pink fluff. What you offer to children (although it doesn’t help their teeth) is sweets.


I use floss for my teeth (highly recommended by most dentists here).

At a carnival or circus here, you can often buy ‘cotton candy’.

Without any context (i.e. which might modify the meaning), I would understand the word ‘candy’ to be something that is made primarily of sugar.

Haha, floss is highly recommended by most dentist, but not candyfloss, Amy :stuck_out_tongue:
So “candyfloss” is the same as “cotton candy”?
And I agree with Alan as I remember hearing from someone that the word “sweet” is used by the British and the word “candy” is used by the American (don’t know if it is right or not)

Feel free to disagree with my input about American English whenever you wish, Nessie.:?

Oh please don’t misunderstand me, Amy :frowning:
I NEVER EVER dare to undervalue your idea. I just want to ask whether the idea that “sweet” is British English and “candy” is American English is right or wrong, and whether “candyfloss” is the same as “cotton candy”. Besides, when I said “floss is highly recommended by most dentist, but not candyfloss :P”, I simply mean some joking (no vexation, please!!!)

I assume that “candy floss” must be the same thing as “cotton candy”. I don’t use the expression “candy floss”.

I can imagine a speaker of AmE saying this:
I’m sucking on a piece of candy.

However, I heard Simon Cowell (a Brit) say this on TV last week:
I’m sucking on a sweet.

Got it now, Amy :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot and how relieved you’re not mad at me :slight_smile:
Love you,
Nessie :wink: