Study history will make us better person?

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“The most important reason for studying history is not that knowledge of history can make us better people or a better society but that it can provide clues to solving the societal problems that we face today.”

Some people believe that the most important reason for studying history is that it provides clues to solving the societal problem we facing today, not that it can make us better people or better society. I do not find this conclusion warranted because in most case, studying history about one’s country makes that person feel proud of his/her nation. And when knowledge of history provides clues to solve societal problem, it does make the society better.

History does not always talk about the problem and trouble happened in the past, it also describes the important event such as a country’s glorious victory in struggling with invasion or the interesting story about the King and Queen. Study history reminds people of what did happen in the past. Every one has to study history, including children, who normally do not have any sense about the societal problem, because acknowledging about the country history will make the children proud of their ancestor, their country, accordingly making them better person.

Knowledge of history did provide lesson learned from the past that somehow be very helpful in some of today’s problem. But eventually, it is also a segment in the chain of making a better society. Looking back the history, we may avoid some mistake that people have made in the past or find the solution for the problem our today problem. This helps us become better decision maker and save us from unexpected damage. This does make us better person and a better society.

There are so many critical reasons explaining why any one of us has to learn basic knowledge of history. And I think the opinion that it is because historical knowledge make us better person is the most convincingly. Studying history brings us necessary knowledge to solve our problem and implant our national pride. That makes us become stronger, smarter and more confident to get through any difficulties we encounter in life then at the end of the road, we definitely find a ourselves a different person- a better man.

TOEFL listening lectures: A university lecture by a professor of History (2)

Please give me any comment on this. Thanks in advance

“The most important reason for studying history is not that knowledge of history can make us better people or a better society but that it can provide clues to solving the societal problems that we face today.”

Some people believe that the most important reason for studying history is that it provides clues to solving the societal problemS we ARE facing today, not that it can make us better people or A better society. I do not find this conclusion warranted because in most caseS, studying history about one’s country makes that person feel proud of his/her nation(,) and when knowledge of THAT history(,) AND IT provides clues to solve societal problemS, it does make the society better.

History does not always talk about the problemS and troubleS THAT happened in the past, it also describes INSTEAD the important eventS(,) such as a country’s glorious victory in struggling with INVADERS(,) or AN interesting story about the King and Queen. StudyING history reminds people of SOME THINGS THAT did happen in the past. Every one has to study history, including children, who normally do not have any sense about the societal problem, because ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE about the country’s history will make the children proud of their ancestorS, their country, accordingly making them better PEOPLE.

Knowledge of history did DOES provide MANY lessonS learned from the past that somehow CAN be very helpful in SOLVING some of today’s problemS. But Eventually, it is also a segment in the chain of making a better society. Looking back AT OUR history, we may avoid some mistakeS that people have made in the past(,) or find the solution for the problem our today’S problemS. This helps us become better decision makerS and saveS us from unexpected damage. This does make us better person PEOPLE and a better society.

There are so many critical reasons explaining why any one of us has to learn basic knowledge of history. And I think the opinion that it is because historical knowledge makeS us better person PEOPLE THAT is the most convincingly. Studying history brings us necessary knowledge to solve our problemS and implantS our national pride. That makes us become stronger, smarter and more confident to get through any difficulties we encounter in life(,) then at the end of the road, we definitely find a ourselves a different person- a better man.
Not bad BS. In fact, quite good, but you must be more careful with your tenses.

Kitos. 8/10[/s]