students should bring their textbook back to the lesson.

students should bring their textbook back to the lesson.

is it correct?

[color=red]Students should bring their textbook[color=red]s back to the lesson.

would be better, I think.

how abt students should bring their textbook back to the lesson?
is it correct?

That would imply these students share one textbook together.

what if every student has only one textbook in his schoolbag?

students should bring their textbook back to the lesson.----Is it correct in this case?

(Seven) students should bring their (seven) textbooks (one for each) back to the lesson.


I can’t see the problem with: 'Students should bring their textbook back to the lesson where each student has one textbook. In my book, anyhow! Look at: Those in favour of the motion, please raise their hand. People should always use their handkerchief when they sneeze.


Oh I am so sorry. I was totally in the wrong! I really had…a one-track mind.