"state hospital", "municipal hospital"

In Russia we have different types of organizations such as state/municipal/comercial hospitals, ets. If I want ask a question about type of an organization, can I use the following phrase?


Will any native be able to understand what I mean?

Is it understood from context that the answer is a type of hospital, and so you are asking solely about ownership (e.g. you want the answer to be “state”, “municipal”, etc.)?

Or are you asking about the type of institution generally (e.g. you want the answer to be “state hospital”, “municipal hospital”, etc.)?

I want the answer to be “state”, “municipal”, etc.

And it’s understood from context that the answer is a type of hospital

You can say:

“Type of hospital at which you <… rest of sentence> (e.g. state, municipal, private).”

The examples indicate the type of answer expected, and to me this seems better than referring to “ownership”. I have never really heard of the term “commercial hospital”. I wonder if “private” is the appropriate word, but I don’t know anything about the Russian system and I am not certain.

Note spelling: commercial.

I’m a bit confused. Classification of medical institutions includes - Polyclinic, Hospital, Consultative-diagnostic centre, In-patient dispensary, etc. This classification implies types of institutions.

In order to distinguish this classification from that I mentioned earlier, I have to use another name for classification. I found at Wikipedia that you call such classification “Types of business entity”

It’s compulsory for me to use the name of classification. But I’m not sure that it’ll make sense for my colleagues abroad.

Can you tell me if “type of business entity” makes sense?
Maybe you can suggest another construction…

Here is the original construction:

  1. PLEASE, INDICATE A TYPE OF THE OWNERSHIP OF THE INSTITUTIONS AT WHICH YOU work permanently or spend no less than 70% of working time
  2. Municipal /State
  3. Departmental
  4. Private

Please indicate what type of medical institution you work at/in for 70% or more of your total working time.

  1. Municipal /State
  2. Departmental
  3. Private

OK. If it’s clear to the native, it’s better to say in this way :wink: Thank you!