Started ranged

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-37 “A Public Figure”, question 7

Views as to his guilt or innocence even before the trial started from utter conviction that he was guilty to wild support for his innocence.

(a) started
(b) began
(c) ranged
(d) swept

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-37 “A Public Figure”, answer 7

Views as to his guilt or innocence even before the trial started ranged from utter conviction that he was guilty to wild support for his innocence.

Correct answer: (c) ranged

Hello everybody! I cannot find out it. What does “ranged” mean?


Hi Logician,

The word ‘ranged’ in this sentence means varied - went from one type to another. Let me give you another sentence:

There were all sorts of people at the meeting and their ages ranged from 20 to 85. When you go into a shoe shop you will find a range of different sizes - a variety.


Hi Alan, thank you


Hi Alan,

Could you please explain what does “wild support” mean ?
Does “wild” in this case mean unreasonable ?

Thank you in advance !


Hi Huong,

I have to admit that ‘wild support’ is an unusual combination of words for me. All I can think is that ‘wild’ is used here to suggest ‘very enthusiastic’. If you have the sentence in which you have seen it, let me know and I’ll try to give a more helpful answer.


Their appearance on the stage was greeted with wild support. (applause.)

Hi Alan,
I saw this combination the first time in the below sentence :
“Views as to his guilt or innocence even before the trial started ranged from utter conviction that he was guilty to wild support for his innocence.”
Now I found another sentence : “Blue Crew gives wild support at SLU basketball games”
I got it : the meaning is as you explained. Thank you !

I am very sorry that I can’t translate this sentence.

I am caught up the same " wild support " whereas Kytos’s explanation appeared comprehensible but what I saw before it he was guilty to sth

here this sth = wild support for his innocence.

I think only that means briefly that he was guilty to stress widely his innocence. (???)

I corrected sth but I couldn’t bring back my post for correcting it.
I am very sorry that I can’t translate this sentence.

I am caught up the same " wild support " whereas Kytos’s explanation appeared comprehensible but what I saw before it " he was guilty to sth"

here this sth = wild support for his innocence.

I think only that means briefly that according the trial he was guilty to stress widely his innocence . (???)

or he stressed his innocence through thick and thin. (?)