spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties is a waste of money

Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In most cultures around the globe celebrating important events in one‘s personal life with others is common. It is debatable whether the money spend on these festivities is well invested. In my view, it is important for one‘s personal and social life to mark and share significant occasion but I would advocate to limit expenses to the host‘s means.

On the one hand, there is a long tradition of celebrating birthdays and marriages. These celebrations enrich our social lives, express our culture and bring us closer to family and friends. For many people religious and national holidays have become less significant in recent years. Therefore, events in our personal life are often regarded important occasions now for a break in our daily routine. How we celebrate those is an expression of our culture and traditions. Moreover, we can show our appreciation for people that matter to us: the person we marry or the friend, who holds a birthday party. Celebrations bring extended families together or let us catch up with friends we have not seen in a long time. Also, celebrating together can create cohesion among guests and it can be a good way to keep in touch with relatives and friends.

On the other hand, lavish celebrations can come with high costs, even leaving the hosts in debts or may only be held to impress other people. There are certainly longer lasting investments than throwing a party. For example, instead of blowing their money on an expensive marriage young couples could invest in property or higher education. In some countries it is common for couples to make debts to pay for their nuptials. In my opinion, celebrating should not overstretch the means of the hosts. It would be wiser to scale down the event to the available budget. Then, some people argue are only held to impress guests rather than share happy moments in one‘s life. Certainly, demonstrating one‘s status and riches can play a role: even if the expensive cars and clothes are only rented for the event.

In conclusion, I believe celebrating events in one‘s personal life with friends and family is a valuable tradition worth preserving. One should aim to keep the cost within the available budget instead of trying hard to impress guests and show off. After all, it is about sharing the joy of a marriage or a birthday with people close to us.

not sure if i should have written more on teh necessary for the society thing…

TOEFL listening lectures: Which country was not an important cotton grower in the 19th century?


Hi, another excellent essay. Just some minor errors mostly, although you did have a few incorrect word usages. Still, I think it would rate a 4.5 out of 5.


Hm, somehow i can not stop making silly spelling and comma mistakes.


Also, cannot is pretty much always one word, at least it is safer to always say cannot in your essays.

And I is always capitalized - Beeesneees will get on you for that!