Speech: Prefer to take an organized tour. Please review.

Hi Luschan, thanks for correcting my some speeches.
Here is another ind speech. PLEASE CORRET and score it .
Q:when some people visit a country or city for the first time , they prefer to take an organized tour. Other people prefer to explore new places on their own.Which do you prefer and why.

Transcript :slight_smile:

In my view, I prefer to take an organized tour while visiting a city or a country, for the following reason: firstly it saves our time – for example, when I was ten years old I visited New York City (???) my favorite places. That’s why I prefer to take an organized tour.

Hi Huriahkh, your pronunciation was very good in this one - I didn’t really have any trouble understanding you. But I wonder if your recording messed up. You only give about half of a reason, so I think the recording might have skipped from City to my favorite places. Hopfully another reason and a half should have been inserted in there, because your answer as transcribed does not make much sense.

thanks. Luschan