Speaking English

hi guys
well i want to know how can i talk english more fluid, i’m better expressing my self and uderstanding what other people say to me writing and reading but when smeone talk to me some times i just understand half what they say or when i talk i make a few stops

Hi, if you want to improve your speaking skills and fluency you need to start using our online voice recorder. Just browse this part of the forum to find out more about how it works and how you can benefit from it.

Best regards,

TOEIC listening, photographs: A protest march[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Mexicana1000,
try to listen to as many english conversations as you can and try to concentrate while u r listening and speaking.
You can watch the TV shows in english. It will help u express ur ideas more clearly without stopping much in between…
And yes try to use the voice recorder as mentioned by Torsten.

Hello Mexicana, I’m from Chile. My piece of advice is that you have to watch a lot of tv shows, try to avoid looking at the subtitles, at the beginning is hard but then it is going to be easier for you.

As someone said before the voice recorder that this web page provides is really useful, and it is a great tool for you to practice and receive feedback from the people who visit the page.

bye bye.


You are saying you know English well ,but if you understand half of it what people say

then i think you must learn English well to do this f,irst learn grammar thoroughly then

learn the formation of sentence.

And as you talk more in English to your friend you will learn how to speak and will

understand others .



Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.