Speak spontaneously!

Hello everyone.
here in the speak spontaneously thread i spoke about my recent visit to india. Thanks Mujibur to motivate me for speaking :slight_smile:

have a good time

Dear friends,

Essays 27 and 28 by Alan Townend.

Thanks for your time and patience.

Have a great Thursday.

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Here comes # 3 The language of sleep.

Depending on the time, I will read #4 The language of praise.

Thanks for your time and patience.

José Sarto

From the book A Patriot’s Handbook, by Caroline Kennedy.

The exchange of their letters is a real treasure.

Thanks for your attention.

Have a great weekend.

José Sarto


Hello Richaa,

Dear Mujibur
Thank you for the appreciation. I will continue posting here and share my views spontaneously :slight_smile:
Have a good weekend.
cheers :slight_smile:


Dear friends,

I prefer reading spontaneuously, than speaking, as everyone needs someone else to keep us talking ‘spontaneously’. I’m no exception to the rule. -:slight_smile: Noone has presented me any question lately, so here I go again.

Enjoy this reading of “The language of ups and downs” by Alan Townend.

Have a great week.

José Sarto

a very SURly engineer… Thanks, have a great week.

"Women’ again… Eleanor Roosevelt - Can a woman ever be President of the United States? year 1935… During the Depression she worked tirelessly on behalf of New Deal legislation to aid the nation’s poor, unemployed, and downtrodden, and also campaigned vigorously for the passage of civil rights legislation.In 1946, President Truman appointed her as a delegate to the United Nations, where she served as chair of the Human Rights Commission. Shortly before her death in 1962, President John F. Kennedy appointed her to lead a Commission on the Status of Women.

From the book A Patriot’s Handbook, by Caroline Kennedy.

Have a great week. Thanks for your attention.

José Sarto

Hello Richaa, welcome back!

I enjoyed very much listening to your recordings from your stay in your homecountry India, they gave me some insight into your journey and your visits there, and what it ment to travel for so many hours with your 3 year old boy!
You mentionned the festivals and your sister’s marriage - a ceremony and a feast of more than 3 days at the end of your visit! That must have been terrific!

What you told us made me think back to my own stay in Rajasthan two years ago, which was full of impressions and new experiences - it was just overwhelming and amazing and exciting because it was my first visit to an asian country in all my life:)!

I only stayed for ten days. But my younger brother and me made the best out of our time and we visited many places, travelled by train, by bus and on camelback, eat delicious food and liked the fine spring weather there… in short: it was tremendous!

Now, we are very happy to have you back and I’m looking forward to meeting you on one of our next Skype Sessions. I’m sure, I’m not the only one who has got a lot of questions to ask you…:slight_smile:

Have a nice day!


Hello my friends
This is what is still keeping me busy. But I accomplished a few things in the mean time and so I can tick them off from my list…
Have a nice time, see you

Hello José
“Can a woman become President of the United States?”
Interesting topic - worth to have a Skype Session about it?!
I’ll get back to you asap…
Cheers Urs

Dear friends,

The second part of Can a woman ever be President of The United States?

Thanks for your time and patience.

Have a great Wednesday.

Bye for now.


Dear friends,

Let’s change of subject.

Now business; Four top business tipos from a fashion guru, and, Six top tips on how to brand yourself.

Enjoy it.

Have a great Thursday.

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Let’s go back to the 1990s Heard any good stories lately? from Speak Up # 89.

I wish you like it.

Thanks for your time and patience.

Have a great Friday.

José Sarto

Let’s talk Business…

Hello José
Thanks for reading out that article about Anna, the editor of Vogue, and for the tips how to establish yourself, that is: brand yourself as a businessman / - woman.
Here is my oppinion about it:)
Cheers Urs

Part II:
By the way: Anna Wintour is her name…
And she sort of enherited some of her gifts from her parents, apparaently, her father being the editor of the Newspaper Evening Standard… but still, she’s certainly a very remarkable person, and a VIP-Person that has earned her success!

Dear friends from ETN,

Thanks for your attention and time. A very special thanks to Urs, needless to say.

Before having my head down, here two articles fromSpeakUp #254; The High Prices of Low-cost Travel and Animal Farm.

Hope you will enjoy them. Have a great Saturday.

José Sarto

Dear friends,]

An interesting article about the WWF, and an inteview with David Norman, who is director of campains for WWF.

Hope you like it.

Thanks for your time and attention.

Have a great Sunday.

José Sarto