Speak spontaneously!

Hello Jose, Evylinda and everyone there,

Dear friends

Mujibur, Evylinda, and …

This time a very serious subject, death, from Thin in English # 115. Hope you like it.

Thanks for your time and patience.

José Sarto Silva

Dear friends,

I had to stay out for a ‘longer time’ as my log in was failing me again.

Hope you like this new ‘info’.

Thanks for your time and patience.

José Sarto Silva

Dear friends,

an article about Somerset Maugham (mo:m)-:)-:)-:slight_smile: from Think in English # 102.

Hope you like my ‘new gift’, or as Urs says new input? hehehehe

Thanks for your time and patience.

Have a great weekend.

José Sarto

… victim’s dog is HOWLINg houling… sorry about it. Sadie (sei’di) in German asDie Heilige Flamme… Spanish as La Llama Sagrada… John GIEGUD… Ashenden ASH unden… thanks again for your attention.

Hello José,

Hello Mujibur,

Dear Mauricio,

Thanks for your message. I hope I will be able to be in, to partake on a daily basis on this, our inestimable ‘speak spontaneously’. It gives me a lot of pleasure, as well as a lot of contentment to see how my English speaking is going. So far, so good. -:)-:slight_smile: -:slight_smile:

More to come later on.

Have a great week.

José Sarto

Hi dear friends,

Advanced English from the book Cutting Edge Advanced, from Longman, 2003.

As you can see, my English library is a very diverse, multiform one. -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile:
I hope you will like it.

Thanks for your time, your patience.

Have a blessed, and an eventful great week.

José Sarto

cruise SHIP -:frowning: BELLman, pristine in white SUPREmely su… PREEEm hark back (allude, regress, retrogress from dictionary.com) Oxford has: remind you of, to be like sth of the past… EN un ROUTE final words: The whole philosophy of The World.Money talks. If I had not have lost some time with Hark BACK, MY 10 MINUTES of recording would suffice… -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile: More to come tomorrow.

That’s it for now, folks. Thanks for your time and patience.

Hello José,
I recorded the part of the tape that features Dudley Moore sketch. The link is
See you,

Thanks for your link. More videos for my listening practice.

I will try to find that Speak Up in the following days.

Bye for now.

José Sarto

Hi, dear friend Mauricio, Jose and everyone there,

Hi friends,

Disappearing Lakes, from Newsweek, January 17th, 2011.

I hope you like it.

Thanks be to E.T.N. for this inestimable space.

Have a great week.

José Sarto

his efforts LED do tyhe creation… names: JONATHAN LEIDICH, ACHIM STEINER… GLOF (glacial lake outburst flood) LAKECACHET 2 ITALY’S Enel and CHILE’S Colbun TORTEL, a small, tranquil village located… GINO CASASSA ARGENTINA’S Perito Moreno Glacier. LAST SENTENCE; Climate change or not, glacial floods will not wait for a scientific consensus on the matter.

Dear friends,

A new one, this time a short passage, from Alan Townend.

I hope you like it.

Thanks for your time and patience.

Jose Sarto

Dear friends,

Three letters for you? By Alan Townend.

It has an easy understanding, to my viewpoint. What is your opinion?

Thanks for your attention.

Bye for now.

José Sarto

Hello everyone
just to tell you what I’m up to…
Have a nice day!
Cheers Urs

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.