Speak spontaneously!

Hello Megan
You had a busy time recently, indeed, with vacations and a lot of friends over, and your Conversational English course starting again - so I understand that time was very short - and, by the way, it’s a “human right” to get some vacation, after all!:):):)!
I read that you couldn’t sleep, and I fear I won’t be able too, if I can’t get round to give you a reply to some posts of you from about two weeks ago :(:(, (poor me, conscience is nagging me about it…).
So I’d like to make a start now and catch up a little bit; no need to reply really! As you told us, the time will still be short over the weekend… so take your time, please, and do what’s on your priority list, I can wait, I’m not a VIP…
Hope to see you tomorrow?
Many thanks!

Hello Megan
This post is about our school system in Switzerland - you were so nice to give me some hints how schools are called in “propper English / American English” quite a while ago, so I’m in dept now to reply…
Cheers Urs

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.

I am very sorry that I answered your letter, and it disappeared. I try to collect those old paintings which are keeping in evidence as the earlier expressionists. I couldn’t write again because I am tired, but I downloaded the reproductions so only send them.

What is the expressionism? when a painter isn’t painting only the spectacle, but its feelings, fears what the spectacle trigger off him his fear, his anxiety etc.

As you said:you read that Munch was in Nizza in 1989 and took a walk with friends when the sun set and the sky grew red like it was on fire and he suddenly got very frightened, trembled, fell back … and painted this in his picture.

This is the expressionism when the painter paints his bad or good feeling, and it is more important for him than to paint the spectacle. This sentence says everything about the expressionism.

I head that the expressionism isn’t a style, but a susceptibility to paint in this way.

Matthias Grünewald is considered as the first forefather of expressionism.

some Frans Hals portraits

El Greco

Van Gogh

Very famous Germain expressionists

1.Franz Marc

2.Ernst Ludvig Kirche

  1. August Mache

Egon Sciele

I can’t omit my favourite painter Oscar Kokoshka,

Hello Kati

Many many thanks - that’s very nice of you to search for all these pictures, no matter that you were tired:):slight_smile:

And you gave me a new insight in the beginnings and earlier attempts of many painters not only to paint a scene but his own feelings (so expressionists too in a way).

As we all can see from your collection, this can be done in very different ways, indeed!
I didn’t know the painter Frans Hals, for instance, and I saw that you enlarged the picture of Malle Babbe so that we may see how he painted her (his?..) face exactly…

I like some of them very much - of course I know Ludwig Kirchner (there is a very beautiful new Kirchner Museum in Davos) but I didn’t know this particular and very beautiful picture.
And I love the picture with the grey city in the very green landscape too (is it from Van Gogh?).
And I like the sunflowers as well of course that everyone knows, but again not so much the blue picture with the sky in turmoils (the colour blue is my favourite but also part of childhood nightmares).

I didn’t know either August Macke’s painting of all these beautiful autumn people, especially the women’s cloths are sort of translucent and are turning into a colourful unit with the trees and leaves and nature…

And of course I love Kokoschka - there are very beautiful pictures in Vienna, but I saw some in New York too from him…

As for Munch:
Maybe it’s the same with me like with many others:
“The scream” shows such an existential anxiety: even the landscape not only changes in color but the lines of the sky and the street and the slopes begin to behave like wild animals, everything gets into a slowly louring dangerous stir and exaltation and is about to change into some wild and furious chaos the very next minute…
The spectator looks into a speechless, cruelly disrupted, void and disformed face that expresses a bottomless fear that all that unleashed nature will destroy everything…
The painting evokes such unsettling feelings that I can hardly bear to look at it… and I don’t like that, obviously:(
Art can be, even must be unsettling sometimes to make us aware of hidden feelings, and in this case, pending dangerous events…
Cheers Urs

Hello Urs,

I’ve forgotten to mention one of the best British expressive painter: Francis Bacon of course the painter and not the philosopher.

Only two paintings from him.


Hello Urs,

If you didn’t know Egon Schiele, -his exhibition was in Budapest only about a week ago had been closed. He died young, he was 28 year old (1890-1918) Austrish painter than Kokoshka also who died old .

Incredieble that this young painter what could be able.

If you has time see this link.
google.hu/search?q=egon+sch … =653&dpr=1


P.s. I would like to say that Franz Hals only flirted with the expressionism on some of his portraits. He wasn’t expressionist painter only he could paint so much that he used this style also. Of course that one what I wanted to show you I didn’t find it - if I remember well it is in Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien.

Hello Megan
I would like to go on with reducing my depts, so this is about a post of yours concerning wall-papering and gardens and how people do these things here in Switzerland…
Cheers Urs

part two
cheers Urs

Dear Kati,

Dear Megan and Urs

I try to answer your question. How am I involved writing about the expressionism?
Jose ‘s letter about ontology and his sentence: “ Humans are the creators of their own lives. Humans has the ability to create themselves as well as they are able to create the world in which they live.” He mentioned Nietzsche he said that we are able to transcend ourselves thus people no more our contemporary. I understand ,but I am not philosopher so only I suspect what Nietzsche thought when he said it. And after two associations came in my mind.

1. I remember that Nietzsche had been painted by Munch

2. The line of Rilke who wrote about a torso which was so beautiful in its defaced stone state that its beauty inspired Rilke to write this very famous line: You must change your life.

I am not an expert in the art only I lived more than 53 years with painters and other artists.

The first what I learned to listen to them. I very quickly realized that painting, the art also a profession - as the medicine or the architecture or the car mechanic.

I saw that the people very quickly dare to tell opinion about a painting because generally they think that everybody from their birth is an expert. The people generally imagine telling an opinion about a painting is nothing. For example: for me I needed about 20 years that I begin to discover the beauty of Francis Bacon. I think it helped me that I saw an interview with him, and he spoke about its own paintings. He was a very clever painter.


Painters learned their knowledge in an academy or even they were autodidact they went abroad to museums, make a study of very famous painters’ painting they acquired a preliminary training;.

I write this because I am not an artist only I heard about lot of things and if I don’t understand everything, I know where I have to look for information about it.

Megan, - you said - that not everything is your taste. From these pictures not everything is my taste. In the sixties the expressionism and chiefly the German expressionism was a swearword among the art historians. It was not an easy road to choose the way of expressionism. But my husband also chose this style he used to have admirers and contemptuous people.

Don’t think that I am a person who admires only the expressionism. I like in the same way the impressionism, and I like the gothic Madonnas just as much Rembrandt paintings to Tiziano, Raffael, Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo. I couldn’t enumerate them, from Picasso till Matisse or from Van Dyck , William Turner or Francis Bacon.
I concentrated now on the expressionism, as I felt that Urs doesn’t agree that Munch thanks his fame for his expressionist paintings. Yes he had been a very gifted portraitist, but with these portraits he never achieved a fame for him.

Than Picasso would have been this style never became a famous painter.

First Communion(1895-96)-by Picasso

Their self-fulfillment took place when they began to paint their paintings in own style.

This is the same process at every painter that they began to paint academic paintings and look for their interior talent to express their individuality.

When I begin to write about these things I have a vague recollection, of the themes , but I remember the painting, that it was painted in an expressionist style. So I have to found my dim souvenirs.

It was a job for me to collect from my memory what I remember. And only in the morning it occurred to me that one is my favourite painters I’ve forgotten to mention.



( I can read out only tomorrow everything what I written in this thread. I have no time )

correction of the #1737 permalink

Otherwise this stone would seem defaced
beneath the translucent cascade of the shoulders
and would not glisten like a wild beast’s fur:
would not, from all the borders of itself,
burst like a star: for here there is no place
that does not see you:You must change your life.

Comment: This is grateful thanks to the transformative power of art, and a call to action. Even if the reader - or the viewer of the statue - were not involved at the start of the experience, they now are. It is a poem about messages that cannot be ignored.

dept deponent
Rafael Echeverria is the Chilean author’s name.
His book has: the basics of language ontology, Human speech, the basic linguistic acts (for example, our statements and our assertions), judgements, listening being the secret side our language, four basic emotional states, the ontology of a human, and the language of power.
A great weekend of all my friends of E.T.N.

correction: a great weekend to all my friends … -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile:

Hello José
Thanks for the name of the Chilean Author, Rafael Echeverria!
He has a degree in Sociology and a doctor in phylosophy from the University of London.

There is a site on Wikipedia about his book, “Ontología del lenguaje” but only in Portuguese - so I’m at a loss, of course.
es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontolog%C3 … l_lenguaje

But I found one tiny bit of information that shows the field he’s working in, and it’s in English.
Here is the link:
creelmanresearchlibrary.files.wo … sation.pdf

By the way:
Is that the book you once gave to your staff?

Maybe I can find an English Translation of the book…:slight_smile:

Cheers Urs

Hello Kati
Talking of Munch - do you know what?
This morning I read an article about an upcoming exhibition of 150 graphic oevres of Munch which will be on display in the Kunstmuseum Zürich very soon.
I will go and see it and tell you more about it:):):)!
Have a nice weekend!

Is that the book?
clasestok.asesoriastic.cl/tok3/E … nguaje.pdf
I couldn’t find it in English…
Cheers Urs

Urs, Good morning from Brazil. That’s the book.

Have a greay Saturday. Bye for now.

José Sarto

Hello Urs,

You aroused my curiosity, and I try to find what article have you read this morning about Munch’s upcoming exhibition of 150 graphic oeuvres of Munch which will be on display in the Kunstmuseum Zürich.

I saw on the Google which newspapers write about the upcoming exhibition…

The Google is not in need of articles.

1.Reuters:Graphic works by ‘The Scream’ artist Munch go public in Zurich

one sentence from the article:
Opening the show there are seven prints of the motif “Madonna”, depicting a woman whose naked body appears to be floating against a dark background. The print is surrounded by a border containing sperm and an embryo."- so I think you will see new expressionist-symbolist graphic oeuvres.

2.Kunsthaus Zürich: (PDF) Kunsthaus Zürich presents a major exhibition devoted to Edvard Munch

3.A catalogue with visual index about the graphic works which will be exposed. - (with date and titles)

It will be probably very interesting.

My dear priceless ‘voiced’ Swiss friend,

Have a great Sunday.

José Sarto