Spam clean-up list

Spammer alert:

Hi, Amy

You meant “Molly” :lol:
Your second link links directly to the post made by Molly (the only post made by Molly in that thread) :lol:

Hi Alex

Jamison364 posted an advertising link. I’m pretty sure jamison364 has no intention of discussing either Mother’s Day or Father’s Day – or any other day, for that matter.

(“Payday” might possibly interest him though…) :wink:

Spam clean-up is needed here:

Zichooxynic spams.

Though it’s pretty well buried by now, there’s also a spam post from rorirearyitty in this thread: Sentence “A pencil is on the desk”

New user Sarahj162 has been busy. Though I didn’t bother to look at all 13 posts, the ones I did look at were identical.

Thank you, Amy, sarahj162 is a spammer.

Sarahj162 has left the forum for good.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening lectures: A university science lecture on Island Biogeography[YSaerTTEW443543]

There’s another spammer here:

New member: Atteciceslirl

Atteciceslirl has decided to leave our forum for good which we are very happy about.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening discussions: Why does the student need money?[YSaerTTEW443543]

emilykorea has her website link in her sig. It is commercial language school.

Dear Charles,
The signature has been deleted.

dkcgtuqjf is a porno spammer:

Lastyloloth is also a spammer:

Dear Amy,
Many thanks for your help. Both of them have been deleted.

You’re welcome, Slava.

Today I happened to stumble across an old spam post here (member name: EmocodildTirm):

Here are two more new members who are spammers:




Here is another specious member - laed: … uthor=laed

He’s posted upwards of 6 posts with the link to, obviously trying to promote it.

Onlinephusa has re-registered and re-spammed:

A spam link has been posted here: