Sortimentsstruktur -- portoflio structure?

What would be a good translation of the German term “Sortimentsstruktur”? We are talking about the products and product lines/groups of a retail sales company.

Is there something like a “portfolio structure”?
Thanks a lot,

TOEIC listening, photographs: The bridge.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten

Here are some commonly used terms:

  • merchandise mix
  • inventory assortment
  • product assortment

(I’d say the first one is best.)

You can also use the word “depth” to refer to how extensively a certain type of product is represented in a retailer’s inventory.

Hi Amy,

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. How would you translate the following phrase which is used in the User Manual of a software program called “EvoLearn”:
Die Sortimentsstruktur in EvoLearn erstellen.

Thanks a lot,

TOEIC listening, photographs: Three women[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten

I suppose I might translate it this way:

  • Enter merchandise mix details in Evolearn.

Or maybe this:

  • Enter a list of products carried.

Hi Amy,

Thanks a lot for that!

TOEIC listening, photographs: Two types of transportation[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Amy,

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. How would you translate this:

Nun können Sie Ihre Sortimentsstruktur erstellen.
Angenommen, Sie wollen zum Beispiel die Sortimentsstruktur „Weisse Ware“ erstellen.

What about “assortment structure”? This still might sound quite German but it makes things easier since the term “Sortiment” can refer to the entire “merchandise mix” of retailer as well as parts of it. For example, the product group “white goods” can be described as “Sortiment” in German too. A sortiment is divided into “Teil-Sortiments”. So “merchandise mix” might be a bit difficult here.

What do you think?

TOEIC listening, photographs: Mountain climbing[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten

The term “merchandise mix” is generally used to refer a retailer’s entire inventory, and the way it breaks down into groups or types of merchandise and the depth in which the retailer carries variuous types of merchandise.

I can imagine using wording such as “product group” (as you’ve already come up with). What about “structure of the merchandise mix” or just “inventory structure”?

Hi Amy,

Thanks for suggesting – inventory structure. This is a very good option. I’m thinking of the following:

  • Sortimentsstruktur – inventory structure
  • Sortiment “Weisse Ware” – segment ‘white goods’
  • Warengruppe Kühlgeräte – product group ‘cooling devices’


TOEIC listening, photographs: Holding a package[YSaerTTEW443543]