Somebody please scrutinize ...

Is it grammatical?

Nothing stays the same forever. Any thing that has a start must have an end. A new one becomes old. We begin any thing to make it end. A film starts and comes to an end some time later. The moment a child starts breathing he starts dying. We’ve seen births and seen deaths. We know that one day, sooner or later, we die. But we don’t talk much about it because we are afraid of death. No body wants to die although we know that no body lives forever. Nothing is eternal.
Everything that has beginning must have an ending. Joys end in sorrows, happiness ends in sadness, young love ends in old love, construction ends in destruction etc. This young earth had a beginning (was created) and it will come to an end (will be destroyed). But when? No body can tell us the exact time of its ending
However, we can only guess, make assumptions about the end of the world. This earth will surely come to an end, will be destroyed by the one who created it. Though there is no telling what the future holds for us, I predict (using all the resources, assumptions, intuitions) that this earth will come to an end in one hundred years from now on.
A dead person or the ones who have already died will tell you no tales. They won’t answer. They tell you neither lies nor true.



OMG, I hate the way this forum work so badly…

Do you mean to say “Oh my God”? I hope so.
What actually made you to write this.
And again “why”???

Would you care to explain what you’re complaining about, Fouryz?

Yesterday, and maybe 10 or 15 days ago, I did write a really really long text to correct your ( Noren) … paragraph. It took me 2 hours long to finish it. But when i click the f**ing “Send message”. This super-complicated-system required me to log in. And because of that super-stupid-require, the whole text disappeared. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I was so angry, even now when I remember that moment. Ohhhhhhhh! Sht !!!
P.s : And yet it’s just happened again, luckily I had copied my message before i clicked that stupid … uhrrr… box.

Dear Fouryz,
That’s terrible. Sometimes, these things happen in our lives. Anyway, thank you very much for trying to correct my post/ writing. Since you’ve said that “…I had copied my message before…”, can you send/ post that message (again). If you do that I will appreciate it very much.
Thank you once again.


Nothing lasts forever

Nothing stays the same forever. Any thing that has a start must have an end. A new one becomes old. We begin any thing to make it end. A film starts and comes to an end some time later. What goes up must come down. The moment a child starts breathing he/she starts dying. We’ve seen births and seen deaths.

We know that one day, sooner or later, we die. But we don’t talk much about it because we are afraid of death. No body wants to die although we know that no body lives forever. Nothing is eternal. Everything that has beginning must have an ending. Joys end in sorrows, happiness ends in sadness, young love ends in old love, construction ends in destruction etc.

This young earth had a beginning (was created) and it will come to an end (will be destroyed). But when? No body can tell us the exact time of its ending. However, we can only guess, make assumptions about the end of the world. This earth will surely come to an end, will be destroyed by the one who created it. Though there is no telling what the future holds for us, I predict (using all the resources, assumptions, intuitions) that this earth will come to an end in one hundred years from now on.

[A dead person or the ones who have already died will tell you no tales. They won’t answer. They tell you neither lies nor true.]



Oh Sorry Noren, I’m not in a mood now.

Anyway thanks. I don’t force you to do.

Okay let me see your mood.