Some sentences, please help me.

Are these sentences right?

  1. Participants who take part in the lesson are students in class 9 A.

  2. Teacher ask students based on the content of two sentences to guess content of the lesson.

  3. Teacher ask students if they remember the usage of this tense.

  4. I like going shopping at the weekend.

1, You don’t need ‘participants who take part in’. It’s repetition. I suspect you mean this:
The participants in the lesson are students in class 9A.
The students who take part in the lesson are from class 9A.

  1. Based on the content of two sentences, the teacher asks the students to guess the content of the lesson.

  2. The teacher asks the students if they remember the usage of this tense.

4 is OK

Thanks Beeeneees very much!

One more thing, please help me.

Is this sentence right? " there is a washing machine, a dryer, and an electric stove"

You will hear that in certain contexts, yes. The items are being grouped

I mean in this case should I use “There is” or “there are” I am a bit confused. Please help me

I understand what you mean. I meant that you will hear ‘there is’ in certain contexts, even though it may appear that because there are three items you should use ‘there are’.
In the room there are three items: a washing machine, a dryer and an electric stove.
In the room there is a washing machine, a dryer and an electric stove.

Yes, thanks Beeeneees very much.

It means that : “There is a pen and a ruler on the table”
" There are two pens and a ruler on the table". Right? Beeeneees, Please help me.
