Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try

Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks.

Imagine everyone wakes up in the morning, does the same thing he did yesterday just because he gets used to it and he can do it well. How boring and monotonous his life will be. I, on the contrary, prefer to try new things and take risks sometimes. Below I will discuss the reasons to support my point.

Firstly, when a person does one thing for a long time and he becomes familiar with it. At the same time, challenge and passion in it will fade away. I think it is better to try some new things and take some risks. It can not only make you excited, but also makes you be more energetic and helps broaden your horizon. You may find that, you have potential to do other things besides your routine job. For example, two years ago, I had a permanent job in a company. It was a stable job with a good working environment and a good salary. However, I felt that the job was not challenging anymore. Finally I quitted and participated in a fulltime apprenticeship program in a culinary school for one year. Although I lost my source of income, but what I got from taking that risk was an unforgettable experience in my life. I have learnt something I really was interested in and made a lot of good friends.

Secondly, taking risk will help get rid of your fear. If one always keeps himself in his comfort zone, he will lack experiences. Finding a new job, for instance, someone may be afraid of changing a new job so they keep doing the old one that they think they are good at. In this case, they may loss an opportunity to improve themselves

To sum up, for the reason mentioned above, I think exploration for new things and taking risks help eliminate my fear and enrich my life.

TOEFL listening lectures: Why does the professor discuss an experiment with dummies?

Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks.

Imagine SOMEONE WHO wakes up in the morning, does the same thing he did yesterday just because he gets used to it and he can do it well. How boring and monotonous his life will be. I, on the OTHER HAND, prefer to try new things and take risks sometimes. Below I will discuss the reasons to support my point.
(Here you have let the pen loose before your thoughts.)

Firstly, when a person does one thing for a long time and he becomes familiar with it.
(Are you going to say something more here?)

At the same time, challenge and passion in it will fade away. I think it is better to try some new things and take some risks. It cannot only make you excited, but also makes you be more energetic and helps broaden your horizonS.
You may find that, you have potential to do other things besides your routine job.
For example, two years ago, I had a permanent job in a company. It was a stable job with a good working environment and a good salary. However, I felt that the job was not challenging anymore. Finally I QUIT and participated in a full-time apprenticeship program in a culinary school for one year.
Although TRUE, I lost my source of income, but what I got from taking that risk was an unforgettable experience in my life. I have learnt something I (was really) interested in and made a lot of good friends.

Secondly, taking riskS will help get rid of your fear. If one always keeps himself in his comfort zone, he will lack experiences. Finding a new job for instance(.) Someone may be afraid of changing a new job so they keep doing the old one that they think they are good at. In this case, they may LOSE an opportunity to improve themselves

To sum up, for the reasonS mentioned above, I think exploration IN new things and taking risks help eliminate my fear and SERVE TO enrich my life.
Still very good Ella, but you are in danger of becoming over confident. Take NOTHING for granted. The better you become, then the more critical I become.

Kitos. 8.5/10