Some people believe that money spent on space research benefits all of humanity.

Some people believe that money spent on space research benefits all of humanity.
Other people think the opposite view and say that money spent on this type of research is wasted.
Tel which point of view you agree with and explain why, using specific details and reasons

Personally a don’t really think that money spent on space research is wasted and I will provide my reasons in the following part of this essay.
OK!, If ones look at the imminent time, it seems that all these money are going to be lost, because it is very difficult to understand the utility of this kind of research, so, for example, the money spent to reach the moon has been wasted.
What the people need to better understand is that the possible benefits are not easy to find especially in a few time period, but the history prove that the money spent in every type of researches are almost always well spent, for example the research on genetic manipulation, can lead us, in the near future, to solve the problem of the food supply, moreover, some of the results gained from these studies could be useful for other purpose,
for instance, the research on the atomic bum, for one hand was very bad because of the war and all the destruction that all people know about,
but from the other hand it was the starting point for the future development of the atomic energy.

In conclusion, I strongly support the idea that all kind of research including space research are always good, because the progress of the human society is strongly linked with the future discoveries, moreover, the money spent on research help the economy to grow up without using resources and producing pollution but just using the power of the mind, for this reason I also think that this represent to me one of the best way to invest money.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a student and a campus patrolman

Trini, do some more reading. Your essay had points to make, but you failed to make them.

A lack of vocabulary is one of your weaker points.


Thank you Kito…!
You said that the luck on vocabulary are one of my weaker points.
What are the others?
Also, which is your grade in a scale that goes from 0 to 10?
Thanks for your help!

Perhaps I should have said your incorrect use of vocabulary Cicco.

There are several blatant errors in your text. Read through once again what you have written.

They should be obvious to you, if not, do some more reading.

OK!, If ones look at the imminent time, it seems that all these money are going to be lost, because it is very difficult to understand the utility of this kind of research

especially in a few time period, but the history prove that the money spent in every type of researches are almost always well spent,

on the atomic bum

but the history prove
