Solitude is one of our best teachers. SIR PLEASEEEEE CHECK IT

Today, there is a common idea among people that a person who tends to spend some time alone is either a pessimist, or socially undeveloped. Maybe, some of them are pessimists, but it isn’t fair to relate it to all. Because I like to be solitary frequently myself, I can say that solitude is not an indicator of pessimism, rather it is a circumstance of self-teaching and moral development.
First of all, solitude is a meeting with your conscience, without external interferences and distracts. It is the most appropriate condition to think about your life, behavior, successes, fails and future plans. In addition, it is the best time to concede your guilty and wrong decisions, evil actions and think of possible ways to be excused. For example, you beat or offended physically weaker classmate with accompany of your laughing and provoking friends. While your friends are with you, you can’t understand your mistake, because their appraisal and support. But once you become alone, your conscience hurts you, makes you to comprehend your guilty and think about ways to be excused.
Secondly, solitude means a disposal of today’s noisy environment. If you look around and think about disturbing sounds people are making, you can easily understand that this is, for the most part is the sound of evil. People all around gossiping, telling lies, betraying can fed up you, and make you to choose solitude. In addition, you get rid of your enemies laughing on your face and gossiping behind, enemies trying to discourage you to reach your aims, enemies trying to sidetrack you from your goals by becoming solitude.
However, I think that if you have found an innocent environment, or community comprised of good people, you must give up hiding from people. You have to try spending more time with those people in order to learn something from them, or just having a good time among a safe company.
In conclusion, I think that it is vitally important for people to become solitude sometimes in order to think about their behavior and run from evil persons.

TOEFL listening discussions: Why may Martha need money? … l#reminder

and … g_everyone

Sir, I hope you will check it now…

Today, there is a common idea among people that a person who tends to spend some time alone is either a pessimist, or socially undeveloped. Maybe, some of them are pessimists, but it isn’t fair to generalise this comment, because I often like to be solitary myself. I can say that solitude is not an indicator of pessimism, rather it is a circumstance of self-teaching and moral development.
First of all, solitude is a meeting with your conscience, without external interferences and distractions. It is the most appropriate condition in which to think about your life, behaviour, successes, failures and future plans. In addition, it is the best time to concede your guilty and wrong decisions, evil actions and think of possible ways to be gain forgiveness. For example, you beat or offended physically weaker classmates with a group of your laughing and provoking friends. While your friends are with you, you can’t understand your mistake because of their encouragement and support, but once you are alone, your conscience hurts you, forces you to comprehend your guilt and think about ways to be excused.

Secondly, solitude means a disposal of today’s noisy environment. If you look around and think about the many disturbing sounds people are making, you can easily understand that this, for the most part, is the sound of evil. People all around gossiping, telling lies, betraying can make you feel fed up and to seek solitude. In addition, you get rid of your enemies laughing in your face and gossiping behind your back, enemies trying to discourage you to reach your aims, enemies trying to sidetrack you from your goals by your becoming reclusive.
However, I think that if you find an innocent and amiable environment, or community comprised of good people, you would give up hiding from people. You have to try spending more time with those people in order to learn something from them, or just having a good time among a safe company.
In conclusion, I think that it is vitally important for people to seek solitude sometimes, in order to think about their own behaviour and free themselves from the company of evil persons.

Good work.

Kitos. 8.5/10