"So your idea to make enough money to pay me for the car I sold you is to recycle aluminum cans? I think you are ..... at straws here. I think you need to think of something else and ask someone you know for a loan because you are not going to make enough by recycling cans to pay me," Hank told Jimmy.

"So your idea to make enough money to pay me for the car I sold you is to recycle aluminum cans? I think you are ..... at straws here. I think you need to think of something else and ask someone you know for a loan because you are not going to make enough by recycling cans to pay me," Hank told Jimmy. (*) spitting (*) grasping (*) harvesting (*) planting

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/13214,so-your-idea-to-make-enough-money-to-pay-me-for-the-car-i-sold-you-is-to-recycle-aluminum-cans-i-think-you-are-___-at-straws-here-i-think-you-need-to-think-of-something-else-and-ask-someone-you-know-for-a-loan-because-you-are-not-going-to-make-enough-by-recycling-cans-to-pay-me-hank-told-jimmy/