Should there be a full stop after the 'that'?

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, reading the tribute, Tarbuck said: ‘When me and Steve were dancing last Sunday in the kitchen to Love Songs, we would never of imagined that…’

Should there be a full stop after the ‘that’: that… '. ?

Yes, you need a period at the end of the sentence. The ellipsis ( the three dots ) is a single unit and does not count as end-of-sentence punctuation.

However, you should not use the ellipsis at the end of a quotation. The ellipsis is only used when words are omitted in the middle of a quotation.

I think you should also use double quotation marks ( " ) not single quotes ( ’ ).

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I would say ‘yes’, but depending on what the author wants to express, I wouldn’t say the three dots after that are wrong. Also, using double quotation maks is a choice; in BrE (often single), AmE (double). I usually leave it up to the writer or poster. Neither are wrong.

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Please reproduce the original sentence intact!


Does the ellipsis indicate omitted text or a trailing off of the quote? If the later, I think we need to retain it, and then place the final period outside the quotation mark.


By the way: I think …we should have imagined that…’ is better, especially if the author wants a lot of people to read his book, novel. When one writes a novel one must also consider the financial aspect of it, right?