Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against childhood diseases?

[color=darkblue][b]Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against childhood diseases?

Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunise their children?[/b]

As the vast spread of diseases worldwide has posed a great seriousness to our lives as well as to our children‘s life, authorities started enforcing parents to vaccinate their children against diseases. However there are a couple of striking opinions toward this debatable topic.

First and foremost, a government has a full right to impose those parents to immunise their children, because of several reasons that lead the government to take this decision named as follows: the terrible and ever stressful concerns of falling in birth rates, and duo to incapability to control the transmission of these illnesses around the world. I think also the noticeable jump of the globe population, in which diseases have found different facilities to be speared, for example, by commiting taboos, forbidden relationships amongst both sexes, and drugs where the methods of their delivery have varied over the first time of their usages.

A handful of parents oppose this notion of forcing them to do immunization, they consider it as an interference in their internal life. Some of them raise controversial questions, like, do we have not live with the world events and advances?, we are not blind. parents must judge on this matter they have the choice either vaccinate their kids or not, they have the best eligible knowledge to take the final resolution.
We are certain that many parents are afraid from these vaccines, for instance their contains and their validity, if they are cheated or polluted or whatever the worries might jump into their minds.

TO sum up, I think despite of many risks that vaccines might hold in case of fraud, governments should force parents to obey them, in order to build and preserve children‘s lives.

TOEFL listening discussions: Two roommates talking about fraternities

[color=darkblue][b]Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against childhood diseases?

Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunise their children?[/b]

As the vast spread of diseases worldwide has posed a great seriousness to our lives as well as to our children‘s LIVES, authorities HAVE started enforcing parents to vaccinate their children against diseases. However there are a couple of striking opinions toward this debatable topic.

First and foremost, a government has a full right to COMPEL those parents to immunise their children, because of several reasons that lead the government to take this decision nameLY as follows: the terrible and ever stressful concerns of falling in birth rates, and duo to incapability to control the transmission of these illnesses around the world. I think also the noticeable jump IN the globAL population, in which diseases have found different facilities to be speared, for example, by committing taboos, forbidden relationships amongst both sexes, and drugs where the methods of their delivery have varied FOR the first time of their usages.

A handful of parents oppose this notion of forcing them to do immunization, BECAUSE they consider it as an interference in their internal life. Some of them raise controversial questions, like, do we have not live with the world events and advances, we are not blind. Parents must judge on THESE matterS. They have the choice, either vaccinate their kids or not, they have the best eligible knowledge to take the final resolution.
We are certain that many parents are afraid OF these vaccines, for instance their CONTENTS and their validity, if they are CONTAMINATED or polluted or whatever the worries might jump into their minds.

TO sum up, I think despite THE many risks that vaccines might hold in case of fraud, governments should force parents to obey them, in order to build and preserve children‘s lives.
Your most comprehensive essay to date IM. Well done.

Kitos. 8/10

Thank you Mr.kitos for your correction.

I am really appreciate your hard and helpful work.