Should it be "one has" instead of "they have"?

One doesn’t become a student at two of the most prestigious colleges and come out at the top of the class in the world unless they have brains, and Shan had that in abundance. Restorer for the Kress Foundation, her hard work is paying dividends.
Life was good until a specific painting arrived.

Should it be “one has” instead of “they have”?



You can’t study at two of the most prestigious colleges and graduate at the top of your class if you don’t have brains, and Shan had that in abundance. As a conservator for the Kress Foundation, her hard work is paying off.
Life was good until one particular painting arrived.

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In traditional grammar, what you say is correct - one keeps repeating itself, even in different cases. But in modern grammar, it is found being replaced by the gender-neutral singular pronoun ‘they’ with plural verbs.