Should it be "are" or "were"?

My parents are always quarrelling about small matters. I did not like the environment over there. To escape from this environment, I left this place and came to Singapore to work at a young age.

Should it be “My parents were always quarrelling” instead? I am confused because “were” implies that they are no longer always quarrelling, while “are” suggests they are always quarrelling.


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It should be were to match did and left.

The person did not like the quarreling at that time in the past. At that time the quarreling caused the person to leave and move to Singapore.

It does not imply their parents are no longer quarreling. It’s only stating that the quarreling at that time caused them to move. These things all happened in the past.

“Came to Singapore” implies that the speaker is still in Singapore. So “this environment” and “this place” should be changed to “that environment” and “that place”.


If they are still quarrelling, there is no need to change the tense.