She knew that her fear of contracting a disease from eating fish bordered on the pathological. She felt bad whenever she went to someone's house for dinner and the dinner turned out to be fish. She felt bad because she knew she would reject eating the meal and would, therefore, insult her hosts. Just the thought of eating fish made her ..... crawl.

She knew that her fear of contracting a disease from eating fish bordered on the pathological. She felt bad whenever she went to someone's house for dinner and the dinner turned out to be fish. She felt bad because she knew she would reject eating the meal and would, therefore, insult her hosts. Just the thought of eating fish made her ..... crawl. (*) bugs (*) flesh (*) thoughts (*) mind

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,she-knew-that-her-fear-of-contracting-a-disease-from-eating-fish-bordered-on-the-pathological-she-felt-bad-whenever-she-went-to-someones-house-for-dinner-and-the-dinner-turned-out-to-be-fish-she-felt-bad-because-she-knew-she-would-reject-eating-the-meal-and-would-therefore-insult-her-hosts-just-the-thought-of-eating-fish-made-her-___-crawl/