“Can you please call your sister? She is really broke up about your cousin dying. I think she needs to talk to someone that cares,” her mom told her.
Correct answer: (b) up
Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
“Can you please call your sister? She is really broke down about your cousin dying. I think she needs to talk to someone that cares,” her mom told her.
break up = suffer a nervous breakdown
Is this the correct meaning in this case?
And wouldn’t “broken up” be the correct form?
I agree that the form should be ‘broken’-- we will fix that, thank you. As far as meaning is concerned: in informal English ‘to be broken up’ simply means ‘to be emotionally upset’, much as we call someone ‘crazy’ when s/he is not actually insane.
“Can you please call your sister? She is really broke … about your cousin dying. I think she needs to talk to someone that cares,” her mom told her.
Hi! Why “broken down” is not correct in this test? I looked up its meaning from dictionary and one of its meanings is “to have physical or mental collapse”. With kind regards, Oinas.