Sentence formation: One of my close relative has been admitted in a hospital.


One of my close relative has been admitted in a hospital.

The above sentence is correct or wrong.

Hi swami,

I suggest you change the following:

. to:

One of my close relatives has been admitted to hospital.


Thanks alan…

burj dubai is having 1044 apartments…is this sentence is write or wrong alan?..

Sure I am not Alan, but I think the right sentence is ‘Burj dubai has one thousand and forty four apartments’.
Hope dear Alan corrects me if I am worng.



I presume the question is about ‘is having’ or ‘has/have’. There is no need to use the present continuous (having) here because ‘has/have’ already suggests ‘continuousness’ in the very meaning of the verb. Therefore Mixmixi is quite right.


Thank you Alan and sorry for answering the question that was for you.



Please don’t apologise. We are very democratic on english-test!


So, Thank you for being democratic, lol


thanx mixmixi for ur answer…