Sentence correction

(1) I would not mind every mistake I make being corrected.
(2) I would not mind being corrected.every mistake I make.
(3) I do not have any objection if every mistake I make is corrected.
(4) I do not have any objection if every mistake I make is to be corrected.

 Which of the sentences above is/are grammatically correct (and/or) sound natural?


In my view, 1 and 2 need correction. “I wouldn’t mind” is usually “used for asking for something politely: I wouldn’t mind a cold drink if you’ve got one” (= я бы не отказался от…) See the shift in the meaning?

3 and 4 sound too formal to me. I would go for ‘object to’ here.

My versions: 1—I don’t mind any of my mistakes being corrected.
2—I don’t object to any of my mistakes being corrected.

I think the use of noun is okay. We may also say ‘I have no objection’. Anyhow, do you mean to use ‘object to’ this way, Eugene? If so, do they look natural/normal?

(3) I do not object to any of the mistakes I make being corrected.
(4) I don’t object to any of my mistakes to be corrected.

Well, as long as it’s about mistakes, not your plans\court of law’s decisions etc. I feel you could go for a simpler way of putting things, hence ‘to object’.
Whether it is normal\natural? To my non-native ear, “I do not object to any of the mistakes I make being corrected” is a bit wordy though looks grammatically correct: ‘I do not object to [it].’
Matter of opinion?..

I have no objection to the correction of my mistakes would perhaps do.

BTW, you could delete the other (duplicated) thread on ‘Sentence Correction’, Foreigner.

 I have been trying to delete it, but I can't do so for some technical reasons. And I have finally managed to do it! Thanks :-)

Dear teacher, should it not be being corrected?

I only rephrased your question No.4 so as to use ‘to be’ (which looks slightly stilted, though). But I’d also prefer what you say (the participial passive).

(1) I would not mind every mistake I make being corrected.
(2) I would not mind being corrected every mistake I make. ‘… being corrected in every …’ would work, though isn’t the best option.
(3) I do not have any objection if every mistake I make is corrected.
(4) I do not have any objection if every mistake I make is to be corrected. ← wrong tense if it is used in the same way as the above.