School children are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an al

[b][color=olive]Good morning kitos

I really appreciate your kindness and how cute you are.
please can you assess this graph? [/b]

School children are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching basic study skills.
Do you agree or disagree?

No one can deny that technology has influenced us in different life fields, some influences are bad others a great, one of these inferences of technology is computer which has entered the education , I will clarify my opinion about this matter in the following.

I think that the computer has made a positive impact on the education, one of these profits we have get from PC is that you can learn more smoothly, independently, rapidly, and in more comfortable environment everywhere in anytime, whilst by a teacher the situation is a bit different, because you usually are restriced of what your tutor wants to teach you, in spite of if the subject is boring or tedious and you do not have any desire to hear the talk of your teacher, and if you ask your teacher for a permission to get out of the lecture, you are highly probably let your teacher to take a bad impression on you and feeling sorry about your future.

Other group of people ignore all benefits the computer provide us with, and think that a computer is no more than a facility of wasting time to students, because when a student has a computer he is might forget his study especially if the student does not know how to organize his time and how to dedicate a good amount of time to his study.
Some students when they sit on front of the computer‘s monitor, gradually become very addicted and they can not imagine the world with out this an amazing machine.

on the other hand of my opinion, The most significant and negative in the same time is the effect on the student skills of writing and reading, because when the student starts typing on the computer keyboard from an early age, his writing will normally become weak and his line become unclear and ununderstandable to many readers, which in the end will highly possibly affect his marks in exams when the correcter could not correct his paper easily.

To sum up, I totally disagree with the statement of computer‘s effects, but I think the moderation is the best way to success, that means you have to use the computer to become literate and to extend your horizon, but besides that we must never ever eliminate the basic and traditional education.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between two students in their first class of the term

[b][color=olive]Good morning kitos

I really appreciate your kindness and how cute you are.
please can you assess this graph? [/b]

School-children TODAY are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching basic study skills.
Do you agree or disagree?

No one can deny that technology has influenced us in different life fields, some influences are bad others aRE great(.) One of these inferences of technology is THE computer which has entered the education(.) I will clarify my opinion about this matter in the following.

I think that the computer has made a positive impact on the education(.) One of THE BENEFITS we have GOT from THE PC is that you can learn more EASILY, independently, rapidly, and in A more comfortable environment(,) ANYwhere AND anytime, whilst LEARNING by a teacher the situation is a bit different, because you usually are restricTed BY what your tutor wants to teach you, in spite of if the subject is boring or tedious(,) and you do not have any desire to hear the talk of your teacher, and if you ask your teacher for a permission to get out of the lecture, you are highly probably TO CAUSE your teacher to take a bad impression on you(.) and feeling sorry about your future.
///That sentence was FAR too long. You MUST break it down!///

ANOther group of people ignore all benefits the computer provideS us with, and think that a computer is no more than a facility FOR wasting time BY THE students(.) because
When a student has a computer he is might HE IS LIKELY TO forget his studIES(,) especially if the student does not know how to organize his time and how to dedicate a good amount of time to his study.
Some students(,) when they sit on front of the computer‘s monitor, gradually become very addicted and they (cannot) imagine the world (without) this an amazing machine.

On the other hand of my opinion, the most significant and negative FEAZURE in the same time is the effect on the studentS skills IN writing and reading, because when the student starts typing on the computer keyboard from an early age, his writing will normally become weak and his line become unclear and VAGUE to many readers, which in the end will highly possibly affect his marks in exams when the EXAMINER could not correct his paper easily.

To sum up, I totally disagree with the statement of computer‘s effects, but I think THAT moderation is the best way to success(.) That means you have to use the computer to become literate and to extend your horizonS, but besides that we must never ever eliminate the basic and traditional education.
Samiralbayati, you really must make better use of punctuation to reduce the length of your sentences. You cannot just keep adding “and” to continue your text. Doing so makes a mockery of all your hard work. If you don’t read newspapers and learn to be clear and concise in your work, you will never improve.
You have the ability to be a good writer, don’t waste it. LEARN.

Kitos. 7.5/10

[color=darkblue]Thank you very much, Mr kitosdad for your correction and your kindness.

I will take care of my repetition of using ’AND’, and reduce the length of my sectences.

I am still reading topics and differnet subjects of english magazines.

Good! I am certain that you will pick up many great ideas from doing so.