Hi everybody, I have bunch of books about SAT in my computer and I don’t actually know from which book or source I can learn SAT words. I’m learning from McGraw but I’m not sure. help please, thanks
Using sites like vocabcharity.com/ really help to build SAT vocab from experience.
Flash cards and books out there by Kaplan also are nice. Good luck.
Or you can use this free software to build your vocabulary,
its included the 1000 most common sat words with examples, it offers review and test techniques which just master you on the vocabularies in the shortest time!
I was in the same fix until I found Shmoop. Their techniques really helped me remember the words for my SAT Prep. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the use of video games, fashion and travel that make learning fun and educational! Their tips on remembering vocabulary words are amazing! I benefitted greatly from them. I’m sure the site can help you too. Best of luck!
I’ve already mentioned it here… but because I was really happy with them, I’ll recommend it again - use memowiz to learn vocabulary for the SAT… it is very good and you get it for 14 days for free…
Also look at www.freerice.com
For every word you get right, they donate ten cents to the world hunger program. You can set the level and start out where you want. It’s not specifically tailored to the SAT, but you’ll get lots of SAT vocab anyway.
If you are looking for SAT vocabulary videos, go to collegeinsightsonline.com. The site have videos that can help in improving your vocabulary.