SAT Vocab - 3 Words OF the Day:

1-CANDID (meaning:- Completely Honest, Straightforward)


  • Julie’s candidness overwhelmed her business colleagues, who were not used to such honesty.
  • She is a candid person, who dislikes lies.

2-DIDACTIC (instructive)

-Dvd accompained with the specific course book, contained some amazing didactic learning methods.

  • During the exam, invidualators didactic words were very useful.

3- BOORISH (Rude):-
-His boorish atitude was quite upsetting.
-Being boorish is not polite.


Thank you

ARCANE (known or understood by only a few)

-This ancient theory has been arcaned by only few.
-History section of library contains a treasure trove of arcane books about age of discovery.

AUTONOMY (independence;self determination)
-Jill gained autonomy upon moving out of her parent’s house into dormitory of her new university in another state of country.

ENIGMA (puzzle,mystery, or riddle)
-The child’s sudden disappearance was an enigma.

INSINUATE (to imply or communicate stealthily: like a thought)

-Michael insinuated that John stole his watch, but he never came out & said it.
-The weather reported insuated about a possible rain shower in coming days.

INCOHERENT (lacking cohesion or connection)
-His speech was so incoherent that nobody understood a word.

LUCID (easily understood, clear)
-Our teacher provides Lucid explainations of most difficult theories in our physics class.