SAT software that tracks progress/results???

I would like to find a software package for SAT prep that asks one question and then provides the answer. But my son is not so great with everything, besides math, and therefore the explanations need to be pretty good to explain WHY that is the right answer. He is not all that excited about taking the exam, so i would like something that tracks his results. We have tried a few online test sites, but i found is that he finished in 5 min by answering all questions by selecting A. But now he has gotten ‘smarter’ and will play games while i am not looking to lengthen the time on the computer but still not try to answer or understand the questions. Hence, i need something that keeps track of him so i dont have to.

I see lots of books out there, but i am looking for software.

Any suggestions? And happy studying to all those taking the test.

Hi Fishkram!

I think I know a site that will be very helpful to you and your son. I’m not sure if you found it yet, but it’s called BenchPrep and allows you choose the number of questions you want in each quiz (I believe the lowest is 5). Also, each question you get wrong comes with a very detailed answer explaining how to get to the right answer. I bought it for my daughter and so far she loves it. It’s almost like a game to her because at the end of the quiz/test it gives complete analytics and shows what areas she needs the most help in.

Check it out…

hope this helps!! is a popular new software-based SAT prep program.

I recommend to all my students to take as many practice tests under TEST-LIKE conditions as possible! I encourage them to sit in a quiet room with a timer and a paper exam. Taking the exam routinely is the most effective method of practice.

David G. is an SAT Tutor with Parliament Tutors.

Hi Fishkram,

I know a website that can teach your son vocabulary and it can’t be cheated. It’s called When he answers a question wrong, the word whose definition he didn’t know will be remembered by the website so that he keeps getting asked questions about it until he masters it. Also, those words he struggles with will have simple, thorough explanations of their meanings so that the material is possible to remember and interesting.

I think your son will enjoy The website adapts the difficulty of the words it asks your son to his skill level based on his performance so he won’t get discouraged. It constant gauges his improvement so that he is always being asked the appropriate words.

By the way, did I mention it’s free?

Hope that helps,

  • Nick