SAT Prep Resource Created by a 2400 Student!


A few years ago in high school, I scored a perfect 2400 on my SAT. However, I am no prodigy. In fact, I only scored 1760 on the very first practice SAT I ever took. My score improvement came from learning straight to the point, no nonsense SAT rules and then practicing those SAT strategies on SAT questions! I have now created as a FREE SAT preparation resource to share with others the approaches and material I used to achieve a high SAT score.

Hi Shaan, thanks a lot for copying and pasting parts of your website onto our forum. I see that you have posted the exact same text on our forums as well. What kind of contributions are you going to make to help grow our community if any?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Business man is leaving voice mail for his secretary asking to her to rearrange this schedule[YSaerTTEW443543]


I can answer any questions related to the SAT that students have!


Woa, you’re a real expert! Could you tell me how long have you prepared for SAT test?

For a much better SAT Math practice experience, visit It’s free, and they offer hundreds of free SAT Math questions, and you can sort by difficulty and question type, so you can really pick problems that work for you. They also have leveling up and challenges which give it a video game like feel. It’s awesome!

If you want to get 2400 in SAT, you need to just buy the 10 real tests and the ez solutions sat series of books - this is a tried and proven strategy by many of my students for last few years.

Hi! Sat preparation is not a piece of cake, it three section need full practices with hard work.

Time management and good sat preparation material is the key to crack sat.

All The Best!

how can i get my student prepared.i want to get online materials for them,at least for the beginners.