
Teachers, please help me to rewrite this sentence:
Sam speaks Chinese fluently and Japanese is good too. ->Not…
Thank you very much.

Oh, I am sorry to have written it incorrectly. Yes, you are right. It must be read:
“Sam speaks Chinese fluently, and his Japanese is good too.”

But I mean you rewrite the sentence beginning by “Not” without changing the meaning of it.
Thank you Cerberus.

Oh, now I understand.

  • Not only does Sam speak Chinese fluently, but his Japanese is good too. [corrected]

It seems you typed it incorrectly. :slight_smile: Do you mean :
Not only does SAM speak Chinese fluently, but his Japanese is good too.
Anyway, thank you.

Ah, my apologies! I have corrected my previous post.

I’ll give it a go…

Not only Sam speaks Chinese fluently ,but his Japanese is good too/as well.
Not only Sam speaks Chinese fluently, but also his Japanese is good.

Thank Ben, Thank Cerberus.