return vs return back

Return is ok? or we need to say i am returnin back to home…??
as far as i understand returning doesn’t need any back to specify that you r returning to your base.
But still i find people using this which confuses me?
any suggestions!

“Return back” is redundant. Return (without back) is much better. One can “come back” or “go back” or “return.”
Many people use the expression “return back” because they are not as thoughtful as you; they just do not think about redundancies.

return means to go backwards to where you have left before. so it’s totally self-descriptive. Many people also make a similar mistake with the verb “revert”.

Milanya, I dont really understand what you wrote below. “Not as thoughtful as you” means the author thoroughly think about and properly understand how to use the verb “return”. However in the above context, it seems the author does not understand how to use. So what did you mean by that?

Thoughtful does not mean that the author properly understands how to use the verb “return”. It means that he pays attention to how the word is used and thinks about it. He asks questions about the usage and does not mindlessly repeat the wrong expression just because he has heard somebody say it.

Well said!

thank you Milanya…