Rephrasing of text

The political landscape after last May General Election is absolutely delicate and unique. In a nutshell, both Anwar and Mahathir cannot afford to go for each other’s throat simply because there’s no single dominant force or political party that could call the shot. In short, gone were the days where big bully UMNO would dictate who gets the lobsters and who gets the crumbs .

Should the bold part be “gone are the days when big bully UMNO would dictate who got the lobsters and who got the crumbs”?



The use of the simple present (gets) in this sentence is correct but I would replace ‘where’ with ‘when’.


Thanks, Torsten.

In short, gone were the days where big bully UMNO would dictate who gets the lobsters and who gets the crumbs.

On second thoughts, I feel that both the gets should be ‘got’ because both are related to the past when UMNO would dictate who got the lobsters and who, the crumbs. Am I correct?


Remember it’s ‘Gone were the days. WHEN …

I agree it should be ‘GOT’ in both cases as the reference is to ‘WERE the days …’