remians, remained or remains?

when to have the next meeting and whether to invite the director still_____ a mystery to us.

A. remain B. remained C. remaining D. remains

… still remains a mystery to us.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Asking whether a signed contract has been received[YSaerTTEW443543]

thank you.
why not A? Is it because “a mystery”?
what about this:
when to have the next meeting and whether to invite the director haven’t been decided.


Since the two sentences are joined with ‘and’, they tend to constitute a plural subject and would indicate ‘remain’ but I think the question is rather a tease because ‘remains’ would be possible also. If you turn it about, it becomes: It remains a mystery when … and whether …

I suppose I should plump for one or the other and suggest: remain.


Alan, thank you very much.