"Relax, we don't have to get all of our renovations done this year. Rome wasn't built in a ....., and we're still young. There's plenty of time to complete everything," Chris said to Linda.

"Relax, we don't have to get all of our renovations done this year. Rome wasn't built in a ....., and we're still young. There's plenty of time to complete everything," Chris said to Linda. (*) day (*) swamp (*) city (*) rush

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/16055,relax-we-dont-have-to-get-all-of-our-renovations-done-this-year-rome-wasnt-built-in-a-___-and-were-still-young-theres-plenty-of-time-to-complete-everything-chris-said-to-linda/