Relative clauses

Dear teachers,

Please read:

Today is the first day…I [color=red]do that.

b.on which
e.nothing (i.e. Today is the first day I do that)

1.Please fix the use of the tense in “I do that”.What tense will you use here? Why?

  1. I think all a,b,c,d and e are correct. Am I right?


Dear teacher,

You wrote:

a.that [color=blue]OK, but not necessary
b.on which [color=blue] sounds strange
c.which [color=blue]NO
d.when [color=blue]NO
e.nothing [color=blue]OK and this is the best

So, please read:

I’ll never forget the day when I met you. (1)

Why in (1), that,[color=red]on which,[color=red]when, nothing are right but in my sentence (today is the first day…), only that and nothing are right?

2.Suppose that before, one friend of mine has ever learned his lesson. But yesterday, he did that. Can I wrote:
Yesterday was the first day when he learned his lesson.

Can I use simple past (learned) here?Why?
Can I use present perfect (has learned) here?Why?

3/ You wrote:
Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing [color=green]whatever it was he/she did for the first time.

Did you remove the word [color=red]who in [color=green]whatever it was he/she did for the first time?


Dear teacher,

Thanks for your response.
Now, please read:

Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing whatever [color=red]it was he/she did for the first time.

1/I don’t understand the structure here. What does [color=red]it refer to?

2/Can I write:
Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing whatever [color=red]it was [color=green]which he/she did for the first time. ?

3/Can I write:
Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing whatever he/she did for the first time. ? Why?


Dear teacher,

Pleas eread:

He does whatever he wants.
= He does anything that he wants.

Thus, whatever = anything that.

So,can I write:
Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing [color=green]whatever he/she did for the first time. ? (1)

(1) means:
Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing [color=red]anything that he/she did for the first time. ? (2)

and means:

Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing [color=green]anything which he/she did for the first time. ? (3)

So, (1),(2), (3) are correct. How about your opinion?


Dear teacher,

Please answer my doubt by explanation.

1/ Do that: [color=red]More than one activity.

(1), (2), (3) have the same meaning. Am I right?
Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing [color=green]whatever he/she did for the first time. ? (1)

Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing [color=red]anything that he/she did for the first time. ? (2)

Even simple past tense (I did that) would be better than simple present if the person is already finished doing [color=green]anything which he/she did for the first time. ? (3)

2/Do that :Only[color=red]One activity.

As you said,(1), (2), (3) doesn’t have the same meaning. So, how to re_write (1) without using whatever without changing the meaning?

3/Please read: I did something. (4)

In my opinion, when hearing this sentence, there are 2 ways to understand. Firsly, something means only one activity. Secondly, something means more than one activity. Am I right?

4/Please read:
So, how to re_write (1) without using whatever without changing the meaning? (5)

(5) is correct in grammar? How to write (5) with only one word "without"without changing the meaning?


Quoc, I’m sorry, but I have no interest in rewriting my own sentences. The sentence that you want to talk about was a specific response to your sentence. And that sentence indicated one single activity.

This would normally be understood as one activity (as was your first sentence)

Whatever (as used in my sentence) refers back to one thing that was mentioned in your sentence.

Anything would include all possible single activities, at all possible times.
In other words, anything also may refer to each activity (and each time) that was not referred to in your sentence.

No, in the sentence I did something, the word something is singular and will be interpreted as a single activity.

To make it clearly plural you can say: I did a few things.