Quote of the day: Knowledge isn't free, you have to pay attention

Isn’t it interesting that in English we say we pay our bills and we pay for goods and services, but we also pay attention or we “don’t pay attention”. So knowledge is not free because you have to pay attention in order to gain it. In other words, attention is a currency, just like the dollar or bitcoin.

  1. Keep in mind that nothing is free in this world! Not even attention.
  2. When I pay the bills, no one accepts my attention as payments

Many of the most valuable things in life are free, such as love and language.


There is no love without sacrifice. On the other hand to learn a language you need someone to teach it to you. Very often you have to pay tuition fees
to learn the language.

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How much did you pay to learn you mother tongue?

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You can pay attention.
You can pay a visit.
You can pay a compliment.
You can pay lip service. ← There’s a cool idiom. :slight_smile:
You can pay the piper.
You can pay for your crime.
You can get pay back ( also payback )
You can pay the price ( as an idiom, not monetary )
You can pay out a rope, string, or fishing line.
You can hit pay dirt.