Question words / Open questions (Unit 10)

Hi everybody!

I have some questions for you: :smiley:

Who hates ice-cream?
What does ‘love’ mean?
Which is more important: fun or work?
Where are the limits of the sky?
When does the winter end exactly?
Why is a banana yellow?
Whose is the internet?
How do compasses work?

You use who when you need information about a person.
You use what when you need information about something, usually an object.
You use which when you mean precise aspects.
You use where when you ask a question about place.
You use when when you ask a question about time.
You use why when you want to know the reasons for something.
You use whose when you ask a question about the owner of something.
You use how when you ask a question about the manner of something.

Be careful: When you employ ‘who’ you use the main verb and not the verb ‘to do’!

Do you also have some questions like mine? Just ask them. There might be someone who can answer them! :smiley:

In Unit 11 you are going to learn how to tell the time.

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I try to post a lesson once a week and I think the next one will be on tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Regards Sunny

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a) i dont hate icecream
b) love doesnt have an exact definition, but it means to cherish a person and hold them close to you, such as you love your parents, what you interpret is what it means to you
c) fun and work are both important, both things should be only taken to a certain degree. Work comes first then play unless you win the lottery then you can play all day
d) if you mean what are the limits of the sky, in technical terms its limit is the outter ozone layer after that you reach outer space. in a mental sense it means you only go as far as you want to, and saying the sky is the limit, you can accopmlish anything you like because not many people reach the top of the sky without a space shuttle
e) winter ends when the first day of spring beings haha,
f) who cares if a banana is yellow or not? odd question if you ask me, but if you really want to know, ask a biologist and see the pigment coloration
g)whose is the internet? first off that question doesnt make any sense, and the internet doesnt belong to anyone in particular that i know of, internet means interconnected network of network,so whoever hosts a website that part of the internet belongs to them
h)a compass works on the magnetic charge, thats why if you go to a hydro power station it will go crazy because of the high levels of magitism in that area

hope that helps :slight_smile:

I am not a teacher yet, but I would like to be one :slight_smile:
Besides, I have fun doing this and I hope you have fun following the lessons, too!

Yo, thanks for your answers :slight_smile: They sound perfectly plausible, but well… I still would like to know why a banana is yellow… :smiley:


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nice set of questions…thanks for posting…i could use this…

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Hi swathi,

The ‘main verb’ is the verb that carries meaning. Without this verb, a sentence doesn’t work.

‘to do’ is the infinitive verb form. Just imagine ‘to’ used as a pre-announcement of a verb.

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thank you,sir.

Hello sir,
please can you explain when i can use whom and while.
thanks a lot.

hello sir ,
thnx for the lesson , it is so easy :smiley:

Who wants to be millionair?
What does your father do?
Which is better:going alone or with my friend?
Where are the gifts you told me about? :slight_smile:
When you tell me that you love?
Why one apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Whose car is this?
How old are you?

why I can not answer the question , why I have not the right to share in this page ? what is useful if I had not to prepare any thing or to do any thing , how I can devlop or proceed ?..etc , How much the time does I need to get a total member and have a right in writing , reply comments , others , please reply those questioneers to my address in yahoo

thanks for your lesson! really appreciate!
who loves me?
what does it mean?
when FNB close exactely?
why winter so cold?
which is more expensive?
whose are the shoes ?

please correct me if i made some mistakes!

Dear Mohammad Ahmad,

Of course you have the right to answer questions and share your ideas with anyone here on the forum.

Hope this helps.

Mohammad Ahmad, you have the right to tall and do every thing you want, why you thought it isn’t allowed for you?

Dear Gomez,

Please find my suggestions regarding your sentences below.

Who loves me?

What does it mean?

When exactly does FNB close?

Why is this winter so cold?

Which of these two cars is more expensive?

Whose shoes are those?[

hi torsten ! i saw your sentences but it seems the same! can you please show me where i make mistakes? because i don’t understand if i’m right! thank you!

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Hi Gomez,

If you compare the sentences you will see that they are different. For example, all your sentences start with a small letter while mine start with a capital letter. By the way, the personal pronoun “I” is always capitalized.

oh ! i see i’m wrong ! thanks torsten next time i will pay attention because i use to make the same mistake, thanks

Hi Sue

Thank you on the lesson ‘open questions’ with their definitions. I used it regularly in my daily conversation like for example, How would you like to learn english? who is your first teacher in english? which word in english do you find difficulties? what is the best method in teaching english?.. etc.
