qualities of a good co-worker

Nowadays, we spend more time with our colleagues than our families. Therefore, they play a crucial role in our daily lives.They can either turn our life into hell or heaven. What characteristics a good co-worker should have are: respect, cooperation and compatibility. I will detail these as follows.

At the bottom of building a good relationship among humans lies respect. Sometimes, we can have conflict over business issues, or our co-worker can make mistakes. In such cases, we should avoid arguing harshly. Instead, we should go over controversial topics in calm and regardful manner. By way of illustration, once, my two friends started quarrelling so severely that they did not communicate anymore. My manager showed them the door, since they spoil the harmony of the work environment.

Another quality that a good colleague should have is cooperation. In order to enhance work-efficiency, working collaboratively is of utmost importance in business. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Instead of working individually, combining our strengths and creating group synergy can be easily solved seemingly insurmountable tasks. For instance, when I was working in P&G, I have received a vital duty but I had not sound background over it; therefore, I received a help from my co-worker, and so I completed my duty successfully.

Besides respect and cooperation, a good co-workers ought to work in harmony .They should put their personal ambitious aside and give up being self-concerned, and share the mutual view of company. Furthermore, they should not avoid taking responsibility,and approach their duties dedicatedly. On the contrary, workload would be burden on us due to of lazy and selfish fellow-worker
By way of conclusion, doubtless, we all have diverse opinions, pleasures and personalities; nevertheless, in order to create an productive and peaceful work environment should we have a sense of respect, collaboration and correspondence.

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Nowadays, we spend more time with our colleagues than our families. Therefore, they play a crucial role in our daily lives.They can either turn our life into hell or heaven. What characteristics a good co-worker should have are: respect, cooperation and compatibility. I will detail these as follows.

At the bottom of building a good relationship among humans lies respect. Sometimes, we can have conflict over business issues, or our co-worker can make mistakes. In such cases, we should avoid arguing harshly. Instead, we should go over controversial topics in calm and regardful RATIONAL manner. By way of illustration; once, my two friends ONCE started quarrelling so severely that they did not communicate any more. My manager showed them the door, since they spoilED the harmony of the work environment.

Another quality that a good colleague should have is cooperation. In order to enhance work-efficiency, working collaboratively is of utmost importance in business. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Instead of working individually, combining our strengths and creating group synergy can be easily SOLVE seemingly insurmountable tasks. For instance, when I was working in P&G, I have received WAS GIVEN a vital duty but I had NO sound background /over it/ON THE SUBJECT; therefore, I received a ASKED FOR help from my co-worker, and so I completed my duty successfully.

Besides respect and cooperation, a good co-workers ought to work in harmony .They should put their personal ambitioNS aside and give up being self-concerned, and share the mutual view GOAL of THE company. Furthermore, they should not avoid taking responsibility, and ALWAYS approach their duties IN A dedicated FASHION. On the contrary, ANY ADDITIONAL workload would be A burden on us ALL due to of lazy and selfish ACTIONS OF A fellow-worker
By way of conclusion, doubtless, we all have diverse opinions, pleasures and personalities; nevertheless, in order to create an A productive and peaceful work environment should we SHOULD ALL have a sense of respect, collaboration and correspondence.
Nice work Alican.

Kitos. 8/10