'put in' vs. 'input' (verbs)

In his article Unified Communications Revolution Bill Gates says the following:

You may have separate identities for email and instant messaging, plus a number you call for audio conferencing and a code you must input.”

Now, I was not aware that input can be used a verb in this way too. I mean, what is the difference between these two phrases:

… a code you must input
… a code you must put in
(phrasal verb)

By the way, what is the opposite of a phrasal verb?


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Hi Torsten

I’d basically understand “to input” to mean “to enter (data) into a computer”.

“Put in” would be more general (or “low-tech”, so to speak).
I put salt in the soup.” :lol:


I agree with Amy here. As my friends might explain it, input is for the digital world, and put in is for the analogue world.